The first military gay that she married her partner in the world, Sevilla, Spain, was expelled from the military air of the country after being away against their will. The military itself, Alberto Linero Marcheti, who was reported the incident to the international news agency, the military is Eph. psychiatric license since November 2009. Marcheti assigns its necessity by the remoteness of the corporation due to "years of threats, abuse and propositions within the year," he told news agency EFE.
The Spanish Defense Ministry announced the expulsion of the military come into force on 1 September 2010. The soldier feels that his expulsion is a result of "homophobic persecution" by the corporation. He issued a statement that guarantees that their removal is psychological abuse, since it passed all tests physical and mental shortly before being ousted forces armadas.Na occasion, his superiors ignored the medical fitness of the soldier and asked that it go through another evaluation in the "Medical Court" of psychology, who also considered fit to perform his job. However, the period of absence for the exams, the soldier underwent a report on the expulsion, which accused him of "bad companionship" and "underperforming."
In September 2006, marquetry married the military also Alberto Sánchez Fernández. The union of the two is considered the first openly gay marriage military in the world.
Source: Revista Lado A
Spanish military gay military accused of homophobia after expulsion
5:22 PM